The face off with March Marmots this past Sunday marked the end of the SEL Spring Series for our R6:S roster. Due to health issues one of our player had to be substituted by our new and upcoming player:
Fabian "Knexli" Colombo
Although in the end we couldn't achieve a single victory, we can proudly say that we emerge as personal victors. The whole series has been our first real test as a team and we are proud to even be a part of it. The encounters with all the diverse and different teams have teached us many things and we had an absolute blast. Our rookie players still have a very rocky and long way to go but we are ready to march down this road, shoulder on shoulder as comrades and friends.
We will continue improve our gameplay and ourselves and we look forward to our next challenge.
NuMi 0 - 2 March Marmots:
[Skyscraper] NuMi 2 - 7 March Marmots
[Chalet] NuMi 0 - 7 March Marmots
NuMi esports R6:S Roster:
Dominic "Sharky" Ulrich
Joy "Joystick" Lechner-Beck
Nicola "Ringer16" Strebel
"Yashuen" Viktor Ye
Fabian "Knexli" Colombo (Substitute)
Writte by Yashuen - Division Leader Rainbow Six: Siege